Hi, I'm Clay Weidinger.

Senior Software Engineer, Team Lead, and Engineering Hiring Manager



Drowning in sticky notes? Letting things slip through the cracks? Could you use a copilot? Put all your todos, notes, shopping list, and projects into Copilot. Access it anywhere. Copilot is a mobile, offline app that syncs your todos to the cloud. Throw away your stickies, prioritize your todos and get stuff done.

Frontend: Angular, Typescript, Ionic, Electron

Backend: Firebase with AngularFire2, Node/Express, ElasticSearch


Carfax Vehicle History data tailored to insurance companies' claim departments. Our team launched this site and migrated thousands of enterprise users to it. Its functionality grew to suit a variety of different classes of customers. We eventually built an Enterprise Integration API specifically for this website's functionality. Almost all the functionality is behind a paywall.

Frontend: React, Redux, Typescript, ApolloLinkState

Backend: Grails API backed by MySQL and MongoDB


Carfax provides vehicle history data to a wide range of customers including dealers and car purchasers and sellers. My team rewrote the entire Banking and Insurance Group (CarfaxBIG) website including the 10 apps that sit behind it. My team also maintained and extended our xml/json Enterprise Integration API and large batch systems. Almost all the functionality is behind a paywall.

Frontend: A HTML/CSS/jQuery app served by Tomcat

Backend: A Groovy on Grails application backed by MySQL

Pitch Bid Calculator

If you play the card game pitch, you can put in your hand and it will calculate the probability that you'll win and the points you'll likely get from bidding a certain amount in a certain suit.

Frontend: A jQuery/Bootstrap app scaffolded by Yeoman/Bower/Grunt served up by Nginx

Backend: AWS API Gateway backed by a Java AWS Lambda (Used to be a Grails app on Tomcat before I migrated it to the cloud)


Back in 2014, my team at Carfax was picking a web application framework for our rewrite of our main website. I created this application in my free time to score and rank various web application frameworks.

Frontend: An AngularJS Single Page Application hosted by Github.

Backend: A Golang Transformer converts the source data from RedMonk and TechEmpower.tsv files to json that the frontend can use.

Archived Apps


Time and Money are scarce resources. We spend them constantly throughout the day. Logger enables us to track and visualize where those resources are spent. Check out the features by using the demo account.

Frontend: An AngularJS app with a client side ORM for offline capability served by Nginx

Backend: A NodeJS Hapi server backed by MongoDB


As a Physics First teacher from 2011-2014, I recognized the need for targeted, automated practice and feedback for students experiencing difficulties solving freshman physics problems. I implemented an digital tutor that enables teachers to input problems as they would a worksheet. Students log in to see unexplored or unmastered skills and the tutor walks them through the practice offering feedback whenever they are stuck or wrong.

Frontend: A dojo/jQueryUI app served by Nginx

Backend: A custom PHP ORM

Pitch Multiplayer Online Game

I wrote this webapp so that I could play short handed (less than 4 people) pitch (a card game) with my brother in Kansas City and my other brother in Columbia. It uses websockets to communicate.

Frontend: A jQuery/Bootstrap app scaffolded by Yeoman/Bower/Grunt served up by Nginx

Backend: A Groovy on Grails app that leans on websockets pretty heavily for the real-time features served by Tomcat


For the teacher who frequently assigns new seating charts, this app makes the process a breeze. You can import an Infinie Campus Gradebook Export, arrange the virtual room exactly how you have yours arranged, and assign students either randomly or to put your struggling students with your best students. Manual changes are as easy as dragging and dropping.

Frontend: A dojo/jQueryUI app served by Nginx

Backend: A custom PHP ORM

Growing Together LLC

Our family ran a small farm: chickens, cattle, and a large garden. I've started a Drupal where we shared the farm's happenings with our customers and extended family.


An implementation of David Allen's Getting Things Done that is easily searchable and prioritizable. This was the first app that I created so I wrote most of it without any libraries. It even directly utilizes XHR for AJAX. How far I've come since April 2013!

Frontend: A jQuery app with a custom CRUD component served by Nginx

Backend: A MySQL interface written in PHP served by Nginx


Frontend Engineering

  • Fundamentals

    User Centered Design
    Single Page MVC Apps
    Responsive Design

  • Tools

    Ionic, Angular, Typescript
    React, JSX, Redux, ApolloLinkState
    HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, jQuery UI
    Bootstrap 3
    Legacy: AngularJS 1.5, Knockout.js, Dojo 1.9
    Jasmine, Jest

Backend Engineering

  • Fundamentals

    Distributed, Fault-tolerant Architectures
    Separation of Concerns (MVC)
    Restful & GraphQL Json APIs

  • Tools

    Reactive Programming with Firebase and Websockets
    Groovy on Grails, Java Spring Boot and Spring MVC with SQL
    Node.js / Express / Hapi / Mongodb - Restful API
    VB 6 / SQL Server - Enterprise Accounting and Payroll App
    C++ - Calculations (monte carlo simulation for QPT)
    PHP / MySQL - Custom ORM

Workflow Management

  • Fundamentals

    Agile, Scrum - Short Iterations with clear deliverables
    Lean - Minimum Viable Product, Just In Time
    Kanban - Limited WIP, Pull system
    Prioritization based on: reward/risk, value/effort
    Delegation to junior team members
    Getting Things Done - personal productivity


  • Tools

    Project Management - Jira, Trello
    Version Control - Git
    Build tools - Gradle, Tsc, Webpack, Parcel, Grunt
    Servers - NGINX, Apache Http Server, Tomcat, Express
    Code Generators - Grails, Ionic CLI, Angular CLI, Yeoman
    Editors - IntelliJ, VSCode, Visual Studio, Sublime, Emacs/Tmux, Vim

Data Science and Machine Learning

  • Fundamentals

    Data Wrangling
    Neural Networks, Gradient Boosting Machines
    Cross-Validation & Statistical Significance

  • Tools

    Python, Pandas, Numpy, SciPy
    LightGBM, TensorFlow
    Jupyter Notebook

DevSecOps Engineering

  • Fundamentals

    Infrastructure as Code: Terraform, AWS CDK
    Continuous Integration and Delivery
    Source, Release and Configuration Management

  • Tools

    AWS: SAM cli, API Gateway, Lambda, SQS, SNS, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, Fargate, Route53, ACM, S3, EC2, VPN, etc
    Kubernetes: AWS EKS, Ingress, Helm, Argo CD, Consul
    Jenkins CI/CD pipelines, .gitlab-ci.yml

About Me

Dad, Husband, Software Engineer, Teacher, Nurse

The short story? I developed accounting and payroll desktop applications for a local software firm for four years before I graduated high school as valedictorian. I earned a BS in Physics, minor in Comp Sci and Math with a 4.0 GPA in three years. I switched gears and earned my BS in Nursing through an accelerated program. I served patients and families as a Trauma/Surgical ICU RN for three years. There I met my wife! I earned my MS in Science Education while nursing. I taught Physics First to ninth graders in the public school system for three years. My wife and I had our first child! I developed web apps that solve my pain points in managing my students' learning, my farming business, and my personal information and todos. Copilot is the only application that I continue to develop and support in my free time. Since 2014, I developed enterprise software products for Carfax as a senior software engineer, team lead, and a product engineering hiring manager. Since late 2022, I have been a Senior Software Engineer (Principal Memeber of Technical Staff) with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure on one of their core platform teams.
